Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept
"id": 36,
"score": 970,
"is_general": true,
"long_description": "<p>The job application form is a necessary template that you will need when hiring an employee. By an <strong>online job application form</strong>, you have all the information about the people who want to apply for the job.</p>\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<p>You can ask them questions about their skills or their previous jobs. You can also ask about their personality and job culture.</p>\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<p>Use <strong>Porsline free job application form</strong> and set your interview session automatically by email. Also, by using <a class=\"rank-math-link\" href=\"../../../../videos#2nPdT\">notification emails</a>, you can send each job application form to the related department after being completed by the job applicant.</p>",
"short_description": "Leave paper forms and use online job application forms to hire an employee.",
"title": "Job Application Form",
"title_color": 1,
"embedding_link": "",
"thumbnail_image": "",
"url_slug": "job-application-form",
"categories": [
"industries": [],
"usage_guide": "",
"language": 1,
"type": 1,
"similar_templates": [
"id": 28,
"score": 900,
"is_general": true,
"long_description": "<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>Most of the great companies worldwide use employee satisfaction surveys to measure their employees' happiness because they know that satisfied employees are <strong>13% more efficient</strong>, <strong>productive, and engaged</strong>. </p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>A well-designed and correctly-written employee satisfaction survey template will help you understand <strong>the employees' needs and motivations</strong>. In this way, you can<strong> improve </strong>your company's performance, which leads to the <strong>growth of the business</strong>. </p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>Porsline is <strong>the most accessible, most reliable, and reasonable way</strong> to make your online employee satisfaction survey template and measure their happiness.</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>Everyone knows how much the customers are essential to a business because the customer is always right! The importance of employees would be the reason why some companies prioritize <a class=\"rank-math-link\" href=\"\">the measurement of customer satisfaction</a> to employee satisfaction. But what will happen if your employees are not satisfied with their job? If they have not enough attention to the job? If they have complaints about their salaries? If they don't focus on their tasks?</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>Let's dive into the definition, importance, and ways to conduct and analyze the employee satisfaction survey.</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->",
"short_description": "Get feedback from your employees and human resources with a job satisfaction survey.",
"title": "Employee Satisfaction Survey Template",
"title_color": 1,
"embedding_link": "",
"thumbnail_image": "/media/Porsline_Survey_en_%D8%B1%D8%B6%D8%A7%DB%8C%D8%AA_%D8%B4%D8%BA%D9%84%DB%8C_262022_BoflrWv.jpg",
"url_slug": "employee-satisfaction-survey-template",
"categories": [
"industries": [],
"usage_guide": "<!-- wp:heading -->\r\n<h2><strong>What is an Employee Satisfaction Survey?</strong></h2>\r\n<!-- /wp:heading -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:image {\"id\":1357,\"sizeSlug\":\"large\"} -->\r\n<p><img class=\"wp-image-1357\" src=\"../../../../../blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/4367-1.jpg\" alt=\"Employee-satisfaction-survey\" /></p>\r\n<!-- /wp:image -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>An employee satisfaction survey or job satisfaction survey is a methodology used to assess one's work conditions. In a job satisfaction survey, we measure an employee's working conditions, job characteristics, working environment, working involvement, and emotional experiences in the workplace. </p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>Usually, the Human Resource Managers conduct a powerful survey to understand the employees' level of satisfaction.</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>Based on the Society for Human Resource Management research, all employees' respectful treatment is the factor that employees in the U.S seek in their workplace.</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>The more you know about your employee's feelings, the better you can assure their satisfaction.</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:heading -->\r\n<h2><strong>Why is Employee Satisfaction Survey Important?</strong></h2>\r\n<!-- /wp:heading -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:image {\"id\":1361,\"sizeSlug\":\"large\"} -->\r\n<p><img class=\"wp-image-1361\" src=\"../../../../../blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/442.jpg\" alt=\"job-satisfaction-survey\" /></p>\r\n<!-- /wp:image -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>Besides the long term effects that a successful employee satisfaction survey can bring for your business, there are other benefits in conducting a job satisfaction survey.</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:list {\"ordered\":true,\"type\":\"1\"} -->\r\n<ol type=\"1\">\r\n<li>Creating a job satisfaction survey and asking your employees about their ideas and opinions leads to improve their experience and shows them that you care about their perspectives.</li>\r\n<li>Surveying employees and implementing various periodic performance evaluations clarifies the business's strengths, weaknesses, company policies, technologies, and procedures. You can change and improve these factors to reach a better growth and performance in your company.</li>\r\n<li>Improving the retention rate of employees will be possible with a correctly-designed employee satisfaction survey.</li>\r\n<li>Determining the potential obstacles in the customer experience journey from the human resources perspective is one of the other benefits of the employee satisfaction survey.</li>\r\n</ol>\r\n<!-- /wp:list -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:heading -->\r\n<h2><strong>How to Conduct the Employee Satisfaction Survey?</strong></h2>\r\n<!-- /wp:heading -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:image {\"id\":1360,\"sizeSlug\":\"large\"} -->\r\n<p><img class=\"wp-image-1360\" src=\"../../../../../blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/4779.jpg\" alt=\"Employee-satisfaction-survey\" /></p>\r\n<!-- /wp:image -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>To conduct a job satisfaction survey template, you need to ask different questions. These questions should include various aspects of the job and employee. In the table below, you will see different types of employee satisfaction questions. You have access to these questions in the Porsline employee satisfaction survey template.</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:table -->\r\n<table>\r\n<tbody>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td><strong>Question Type</strong></td>\r\n<td><strong>Employee satisfaction survey questions</strong></td>\r\n</tr>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td>Job</td>\r\n<td>-Challenges <br />-Tasks and duties <br />-Level of stress at work <br />-Balance in work-life<br />-Satisfaction with the job</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td>Work interactions</td>\r\n<td>-Shared knowledge across the company <br />-Reaction to the opinions<br />-Feedback of colleagues <br />-Company's performance management system</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td>Growth opportunities</td>\r\n<td>-Care about your professional growth <br />-Future position in the business</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td>Vision and mission</td>\r\n<td>-Information about the company's objectives <br />-Opinion about professional values <br />-Information about the company's strategic direction</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td>Compensation and reward</td>\r\n<td>-Payment and salary <br />-Satisfaction with salary <br />-Benefit packages</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td>Respect</td>\r\n<td>-Feel respected <br />-Respect for colleagues</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n</tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n<!-- /wp:table -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:heading -->\r\n<h2><strong>Employee Satisfaction Survey Questions</strong></h2>\r\n<!-- /wp:heading -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>You can measure employee satisfaction by an employee engagement survey or a job satisfaction survey. In an employee satisfaction survey questionnaire, you should ask questions about the job, the workspace, business interactions, growth opportunities, compensations, and respect. </p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>You can see the complete employee satisfaction survey questionnaire in Porsline, but you can use these too.</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>Remember that scoring should be as follows:</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>Never satisfied (1); I am not happy (2); Somewhat dissatisfied (3)</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>I have no idea (4); Somewhat satisfied (5); Satisfied (6); Very satisfied (7)</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>Employee satisfaction survey questions:</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>1- The physical conditions of the working environment ...</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>2- From the freedom to work in the way I want ...</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>3- From my colleagues ...</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>4- Seeing the good things I do ...</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>5- From my supervisor ...</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>6- From the amount of responsibility given to me ...</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>7- From my income ...</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>8- From the opportunity to use my abilities ...</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>9- The working relationship between managers and employees in our collection ...</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>10- In terms of business development opportunities in my working environment ...</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>11- From the method of the institution ...</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>12. From the amount of attention paid to my suggestions.</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>13- From my working hours ...</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>14. From the diversity of my activities ...</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>15- From my job security ...</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:heading -->\r\n<h2><strong>How to Analyze Employee Satisfaction Survey Results?</strong></h2>\r\n<!-- /wp:heading -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>After you've surveyed your employees, it is time to analyze the job satisfaction survey results. Why? Because now employees are waiting to see the modifications and improvements. And if they don't see it, they will not contribute to another survey! Also, it will make them unsatisfied because they think you do not care about their opinions. </p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>The best way to analyze employee satisfaction survey results is to visualize it. By this, you can prioritize the results and make a handful of reports.</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>In your job satisfaction survey report, you need to categorize different answers by different variables. </p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>To make it easy, use the Porsline online employee satisfaction survey. In Porsline, you can create, design, share, and get visualized results. In every part, you can use different logics, piping, scores, and filters.</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>For example, by using filters, you can filter men's answers from women's, and then by the help of charts, pies, or tables, make your report visualized. In the end, you have a link to share your results on social media, or you can export it easily in CSV or XLXS format!</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->",
"language": 1,
"type": 1,
"similar_templates": null,
"meta_description": null
"id": 30,
"score": 300,
"is_general": true,
"long_description": "<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>The critical duty for many board members is to build alignment with the CEO, build more assertive communication, and develop the CEO's abilities. To review a CEO's performance, you need to pick an <strong>executive performance evaluation</strong> template and your employees to evaluate their executive director.</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>A CEO or Executive director should manage the strategy, team, and finances of the business. It is essential for board members to establish an effective CEO performance evaluation form and review his performance.</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>In Porsline, you can choose a template and ask your employees to highlight the <strong>CEO's strengths and weaknesses</strong>. By this valuable evaluation template review, you will <strong>facilitate</strong> the CEO's future <strong>performance and growth</strong>.</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->",
"short_description": "Collect 360-degree survey of your CEO.",
"title": "CEO Performance Evaluation Template",
"title_color": 1,
"embedding_link": "",
"thumbnail_image": "/media/Porsline_Survey_en_%D9%BE%D8%B1%D8%B3%D8%B4%D9%86%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%87_%D8%AF%D8%B1%DB%8C%D8%A7%D9%81%D8%AA_%D8%A8%D8%A7%D8%B2%D8%AE%D9%88%D8%B1%D8%AF_%D8%AF%D8%B1%D8%A8%D8%A7%D8%B1%D9%87_%D9%85%D8%AF%DB%8C%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%86_262022.jpg",
"url_slug": "CEO-performance-evaluation-template",
"categories": [
"industries": [],
"usage_guide": "<!-- wp:heading -->\r\n<h2><strong>How to Establish a CEO Performance Evaluation Template?</strong></h2>\r\n<!-- /wp:heading -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:image {\"id\":1372,\"sizeSlug\":\"large\"} -->\r\n<p><img class=\"wp-image-1372\" src=\"../../../../blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/456.jpg\" alt=\"CEO-Performance-Evaluation-Template\" /></p>\r\n<!-- /wp:image -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>It is important to ask employees how they feel about their executive director. In this way, they will have more employee engagement and satisfaction.</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>Let's look at an example of the mechanism of getting CEO performance review on the Google Company:</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>Google conducts a comprehensive study called \"executive feedback\" every six months. Employees' responses are collected confidentially (anonymously) and reported to the relevant manager. The results of the CEO's performance evaluation research are purely developmental and have no impact on rewards or salaries. So, we can collect honest and constructive feedback from employees.</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> In a CEO performance evaluation template, you should ask employees some analytical questions to express their agreement or disagreement.</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>As Google executive directors, you should also discuss the results with the employees and the board members, then plan to change what is needed by setting 1 to 3 priorities. Don't forget to make sure that the result is analyzed carefully and effectively.</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->",
"language": 1,
"type": 2,
"similar_templates": null,
"meta_description": null
"id": 35,
"score": 980,
"is_general": true,
"long_description": "<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>A 360-degree feedback survey is a <strong>performance evaluation form</strong> in which you ask supervisors, managers, customers, or colleagues to evaluate each employee's performance and effectiveness.</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>The 360-degree performance evaluation questionnaire is a complete survey that you can use it to see the performance of your employee from <strong>different angels</strong>.</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p> </p>\r\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\r\n<p>In Porsline, you can see this type of survey, customize it based on your needs and goals, send it to via email, SMS, social media or embed it on your website, then get its report and analyze it on your account. So, <strong>join Porsline </strong>now and make use of this FREE magical survey tool.</p>\r\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->",
"short_description": "Check the performance of your employees",
"title": "360-Degree Feedback Survey",
"title_color": 1,
"embedding_link": "",
"thumbnail_image": "/media/Porsline_Survey_%D9%BE%D8%B1%D8%B3%D8%B4%D9%86%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%87_%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%B2%DB%8C%D8%A7%D8%A8%DB%8C_%DB%B3%DB%B6%DB%B0_%D8%AF%D8%B1%D8%AC%D9%87_%DA%A9%D8%A7%D8%B1%DA%A9%D9%86%D8%A7%D9%86_01192022_yH0XfBS.jpg",
"url_slug": "360-degree-feedback-survey",
"categories": [
"industries": [],
"usage_guide": "",
"language": 1,
"type": 2,
"similar_templates": null,
"meta_description": null
"meta_description": null